Daniela Popa, MD MPH

Intuitive. Coach. Teacher. On a mission to raise global consciousness, one person at a time.

Who is Daniela?

I am an explorer of states of consciousness and, through various experiments, I have discovered the nature of this reality and learned to play joyfully within it. Educated as a medical doctor in Romania, then public health lecturer and researcher in the Netherlands, and leadership development consultant in the United States, I have worked with hundreds of patients, students and top leaders in the medical, public health and corporate worlds. From my experience, I can now say that the biggest and quickest change anyone can create, no matter the scope, is through a change in perception and an elevated state of awareness. This is the approach that worked for me and my coaching clients and this is my gift to anyone interested in truly raising their consciousness and living an effortless, joyful, prosperous life.

Everything you can imagine has a particular frequency. All you must do to achieve that which you want is to align yourself with that specific frequency. And the flow will take you there. It's that easy.

 Daniela Popa

My Mission

is to assist you to remember who you truly are, wake up to your incredible innate power understand the construct of this reality and create a life you love to look at.

My Vision

is a world where each individual is awake, aligned with their highest self, has remembered their inner power and is using it in joy, in peace and in love for the wellbeing of all humanity.

“ Always amazing! I am so blessed to have connected with you. The words and wisdom you speak are brilliant.”
Aviva Hayah
Singer/Songwriter, Author

My Spiritual Journey

- how I got to where I am today - I remember walking down the street one day, at the age of 12, asking myself “Why am I in this body? Why am I not in that guy’s body over there? Why did I choose this life and this particular experience?” The thought did not go any further at that time and I quickly dismissed it as something I wasn’t able to answer. But similar thoughts kept boggling my mind all through my childhood. For many years from the age of 10, I was consumed with the idea of death. I couldn’t understand how we could just cease to exist and wanted to know everything about the death process. I used to stay up each night not wanting to fall asleep, or praying to God to not let me die. These are the first signs I can remember related to my interest in the unseen. My spiritual journey began more consciously in 2006. I was going through a rough transition from medical school to… something new (I had no idea what would follow at that time) and had many questions to which no one around had any satisfying answers. I began searching and very soon I found them all. I first discovered Abraham through Esther Hicks, then the Zs (Zachary, Ziadora and Zapharia) through Lee Harris, Bashar through Daryl Anka, the Pleiadians through Wendy Kennedy and Nora Herold and many many many… more. I started seeing the world differently than the people around me, so I was often seen as “the weird one”. I am actually proud of that term now, but it did take some shifting of perspective to reach this point. I read a lot, attended and listened to many workshops and achieved great things in my life, things I hadn’t even dreamt of. But somehow I couldn’t fully integrate all that knowledge into my life… Until November 2015. One random Wednesday evening, I was quietly listening to just another presentation when a higher level of awareness hit me. I suddenly had a realization about the fabric of this reality and somehow was able to integrate everything I had learned up to that point. That moment totally changed my perception, attitude about my life and career trajectory, and about a month later I felt the impulse to start sharing this new found clarity with the people of the world. The feeling that came over me when I started doing this work in the end of December 2015 was the most exalted, peaceful, joyful and clear feeling I ever felt. And that, for me, was proof that I was on the right path, and had finally found my calling. I have been working with clients from around the world, assisting them on their path to freedom and joyful and effortless expression of who they truly are, and there is nothing I can think of that brings me more joy at this moment in my life. I truly look forward to working with you and explore your true, joyful, loving, playful, powerful self! Let’s come together and see how happy and free you can become and how joyful and effortless your life can get. It will be an honor for me to serve you on your path.

Much, much love,
Daniela ❤️

January 2019

More Facts About Me

I hold an MD and MPH, have worked in 4 countries in various working environments and have met people of all walks of life and income levels. My experience showed me that there is suffering at all levels of health, education, finances or popularity. People seem to have similar problems regardless their circumstances, background or size of bank account. And the greatest effect I have seen was when they remembered who they truly are and understood the construct of this physical reality. And there is no greater gift, not more money, not more degrees or accomplishments, not more or better friends, than the reconnection with themselves, and the divine source from which everything stems. Nothing else will do. I am born and raised in Romania, educated by the world, spoiled and loved in the Netherlands, and awakened step by step throughout life with a culminating moment in the United States. I never felt Romanian, never felt Dutch either, but always felt a citizen of the world. I may have felt more at home in the US probably because most of the population has its roots somewhere else on the globe. And yes, my most favorite place on this planet is Santa Barbara, California… magical, wonderful place…. When I’m not coaching, you can find me walking through a city listening to some book on my phone, writing, doing yoga, running, spinning, playing with the four dogs of my parents or walking through a forest or on some beach. Trees, dogs and water are probably my most favorite things in life, in this order. Oh, and yes, anything sweet. Plus, the divine essence of all that is. Forgot all about that...

Ready to remember your true power?

On Love & Creativity

“I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”
Vincent Van Gogh