
Focus Areas

Love & Relationships

  • Is your heart suffering these days? Do you feel ignored? Misunderstood? Unappreciated? Judged?
  • Are you finding it difficult to show your “true colors” at home, at work, or with your friends for fear you would be rejected or misjudged?
  • Have you lost trust in someone you loved?
  • Are you finding it hard to believe that a deep, intimate, loving relationship can happen for you?
  • Or Are you ready to step up your game and reveal the true joy and beauty that lies within your heart and express it fully and fearlessly in all your relationships, without exception?

If you find yourself in any “pickle” regarding personal or professional relationships, I will be happy and honored to assist you in getting that sour “pickle” out of the game and replace it with something that tastes just the way you like it. 😉

The reality that surrounds us is 100% our creation, 100% of the time! And its purpose is to reflect back to us that which we are, so we can know more of ourselves. This fact is easier to accept when things go smoothly, and we are surrounded by appreciative, curious, loving and heart centered people. But when things go south, and life starts to hurt, it gets more difficult to deal with this fact. Relationships, in particular, are most difficult to handle and most meaningful to us because they have the potential to show us our most inner beauty and also our darkest corners.

In this reality, relationships’ deeper meaning is to reflect perfectly our relationship with our higher self and with source. One who is fully connected to source cannot help but radiate self love and self appreciation which is then reflected back as love and appreciation from everyone they encounter. What you are not receiving from others is what you are not giving to yourself. Everyone around is faithfully and accurately showing you your own perception and attitude toward self. And what a gift they all are!

The disconnection from our higher self and from source is expressed as self judgement, guilt, shame, and isolation and disconnection from others. When we feel judged, misunderstood, unappreciated by others, it is the reflection of our own attitude toward self that we see in the external reality. What seems to be outside of us is merely our own reflection, and by choosing to see this reflection with clarity, detachment, courage and compassion, we can then start to shift our inner self and thus start shifting the outer reality and the relationships we create.

I know first hand how deeply troubling relationships can be and how much they define the quality of our lives. And I’ve also tasted the sweetness of deeply loving, respectful and inspiring relationships. So to me, my most meaningful and most rewarding work is finding the source of pain within the corner of your soul, and then help you shine your own light and love on it. And then watch how the relationships you create turn from painful and constrained to joyful, loving, playful and free expressions and reflections of your own inner beauty.

You’ve suffered enough. Enough for several lifetimes… Are you now ready to let go of suffering and take on pleasure as a spiritual path? Can you expand your tolerance for ecstasy and bliss? How much joy and ease will you let yourself have? How many miracles can you fully take in with awe?

I absolutely LOVE watching people unleash their full potential for wonderful relationships first with themselves and then with all other beings that surround them. And I will be delighted to watch your path unfold in this same direction.

Let’s do it! Together!

In joy and in love,
